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BI W830i CID52

Diposting oleh Ricky 01 Oktober, 2009

Untuk kali ini memang sengaja aku coba menggunakan Cruiser untuk menambahkan Paket Bahasa Indonesia pada hp W830i khususnya CID52 karena sudah ada pada support cruiser Language Pack untuk hp tersebut. Dan berikut ini log sukses dari penambahan paket bahasa tersebut :

System diagnostics passed.
Version 13.21 ready!

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Interceptor USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Baseband chip ID: 0x9900
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Booting via ROM...
Trying CID53 recovery applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 070703 1229 NPA4_CXC1329130_DB2020_...
Flash manufacturer: Intel
Flash ID: 0x897E
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)
Phone CID: 52
Phone color: Red
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061205 1523 HANCXC9876543210_DB2020...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061201 1314 HANCXC1329129_DB2020_FL...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "W830c_CXC1250714_China_R1KG001_Red52.cw83fs"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Programming flash...
Time: 00:06:13
Flash process done.

[ --- Flash Raw File System --- ]
Flash file: "W830i_CXC1250714_APAC_R1KG001_Red52.a1fs"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Programming flash...
Time: 00:06:31
Flash process done.

[ --- Customize File System --- ]
Sending CS applet...
Applet ID: 070410 1557 HANCXC1250562_DB2020_CS...
Initializing CS applet...
Applet ID: 070410 1557 HANCXC1250562_DB2020_CS...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Starting up GDFS service...
Starting up filesystem, please wait...
Building customization...
Customizing phone...
Writing CDA Article MS string...
New value: CDA102568/101
Writing CDA Version MS string...
New value: R10A
Writing Default Article MS string...
New value: cxc1250714
Writing Default Version MS string...
New value: R1KG001
Writing langpack string...
New value: APAC
Writing country...
New value: Generic Trade

2 komentar

  1. wahyu Says:
  2. gan...SE W830i keypadnya error brp serviceny?? thanx

  3. Anonim Says:
  4. klo untuk se tool gmana boz bisa????toloung ane????


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