Service HP Lumajang mencoba memberikan informasi seputar masalah ponsel dari pengalaman pribadi dan pengalaman para teman-teman repair ponsel seluruh Indonesia.

W300 CID 49 Mic, Speaker dan Buzzer Tidak Berfungsi

Diposting oleh Ricky 14 Februari, 2010

Sekitar jam 1 siang temenku menelpon dan menjelaskan permasalahan yang sedang dia hadapi pada kerusakan hp Sony Ericsson W300 dengan kerusakan Mic, Speaker dan Buzzer tidak berfungsi dan dia juga udah menjelaskan sangat detail sekali mulai dari Master Reset, penggantian Flexible, Plugin charge sampai akhirnnya dia mengganti IC dering baru juga udah dicoba, sampai-sampai dia mengorbankan hp dia sendiri yang masih hidup lalu ic deringnya dipindahkan ke hp yang bermasalah masih aja tidak berfungsi. Ya udah kalau gitu hpnya bawa kesini aja coba diflash dulu sapa tau memang programnya juga bermasalah kan g' ada salahnya dicoba tapi tetep kalau ada resiko kamu tanggung sendiri ya... masalahnya hp tersebut udah kamu utak-atik hardwarenya. Sekitar jam 7 malamnya dia berkunjung ketempatku dan dia memberikan hp W300nya dengan muka yang lumayan ngga' enak dilihatdeh pokoknya dan langsung pergi meninggalkan tempat kerjaku. Hp aku bongkar dan langsung masukan ke Ultrasonic Cleaner untuk membersihkan sisa-sisa flux yang ada pada board hp tersebut biar nanti tidak ada masalah saat melakukan prosses flashing.

Berikut langkah serta log proses repair menggunakan Cruiser Versi 13.21 :

1. Attach to Phone
2. Flash Main Firmware "W300i_CXC1123261_China_R9A036_Red49.cw3sw"
3. Flash Raw File System "W300i_CXC1123203_APAC_R9A036_Red49.cw3fs"
4. Turn off Phone

Log :

System diagnostics passed.
Version 13.21 ready!

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Interceptor USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Booting via ROM...
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)

Phone type (from GDFS): W300i
CXC article: R9A031 prgCXC1123261_CHINA_JE
CXC version: R9A031
Language package: APAC
Operator: Generic Trade
CDA article: CDA102665/101
CDA version: R1A
Default article: cxc1123203
Default version: R9A036

Phonecode: 0000

Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061204 1528 HAN_DB2010_FLASHLOADER_...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Flash Main Firmware --- ]
Flash file: "W300i_CXC1123261_China_R9A036_Red49.cw3sw"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Programming flash...
Time: 00:08:59
Flash process done.

[ --- Flash Raw File System --- ]
Flash file: "W300i_CXC1123203_APAC_R9A036_Red49.cw3fs"
Waiting for flash file to load...
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Programming flash...
Time: 00:04:00
Flash process done.

[ --- Turn off Phone --- ]
Turning off phone...
Phone turned off.
Phone automatically detached.

Sampai disini nyalakan hp dengan memasukan kartu sim pada hp tersebut dan kalian bisa lihat disitu ada tulisan Configuration Error......

Dan Berikut ini proses finishingnya :

1. Attach to Phone
2. Unlock RSA >>> Phone automatically detached
3. Attach to Phone
5. Customize File System >>> HINGGA MUNCUL PESAN : Certificates uploaded successfuly.
6. Turn off Phone

Log :

System diagnostics passed.
Version 13.21 ready!

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Interceptor USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Booting via ROM...
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)

Phone type (from GDFS): W300i
CXC article: R9A036 prgCXC1123261_CHINA_JE
CXC version: R9A036
Language package: APAC

Phonecode: 0000

Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061204 1528 HAN_DB2010_FLASHLOADER_...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Unlock RSA --- ]
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Programming flash...
Time: 00:00:01
Flash process done.
Phone automatically detached.

[ --- Attach to Phone --- ]
Connecting via Interceptor USB Cable...
Powering on the phone...
Baseband chip ID: 0x8040
Protocol version: 3.1
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Booting via ROM...
Sony Ericsson phone detected.
Phone CID: 49
Phone color: Red
Flash certificate: A1_DB2010_49_RED
Trying Red CID49 flash applet...
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Time spent entering bootstrap: 1s
Initializing phone hardware...
Applet ID: 060206 1814 NPACXC125872_COMPACTPRO...
Flash manufacturer: ST Microelectronics
Flash ID: 0x2019
OTP Security Level: 1 (Retail)

Phone type (from GDFS): W300i
CXC article: R9A036 prgCXC1123261_CHINA_JE
CXC version: R9A036
Language package: APAC

Phonecode: 0000

Sending applet...
Applet ID: 061204 1528 HAN_DB2010_FLASHLOADER_...
RSA protection state cannot be determined for this CID.
Phone hardware initialized OK

[ --- Restore Firmware --- ]
Defeating RSA protection...
Waiting for the phone to turn off...
Should the communication hang, reinsert battery.
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Sending applet prologue...
Sending applet body...
Waiting for acknowledge...
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Initializing applet...
Baudrate = 460800Bd
Applet ID: 060514 1351 CRUCXCxxxxxx_S_LOADER_S...
Identifying firmware...
Firmware ID: prgCXC1123261_CHINA_JE
Firmware version: R9A036
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060525 0308 CRUCXCxxxxxx_PRE_LOADER...
Sending applet...
Applet ID: 060430 0501 CRUCXC1326743_COMPACTPR...
Searching for FW restoral file...
File name: R9A036_CXC1123261_CHINA_JE.cw3sw
FW restoral file found.
Preparing to program flash...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Programming flash...
RSA protection was set back to normal.
Time: 00:00:07
Flash process done.

[ --- Customize File System --- ]
Sending CS applet...
The applet ignored baudrate change request!
Applet ID: 060508 0506 CRUCXC1327364_COMPACT_S...
Initializing CS applet...
Applet ID: 060508 0506 CRUCXC1327364_COMPACT_S...
Baudrate = 921600Bd
Starting up GDFS service...
Starting up filesystem, please wait...
Building customization...
Customizing phone...
Writing CDA Article MS string...
New value: CDA102665/101
Writing CDA Version MS string...
New value: R4A
Writing Default Article MS string...
New value: cxc1123203
Writing Default Version MS string...
New value: R9A036
Writing langpack string...
New value: APAC
Writing country...
New value: Generic Trade
Uploading certificates...
Certificates uploaded successfuly.

[ --- Turn off Phone --- ]
Turning off phone...
Phone turned off.
Phone automatically detached.

Lalu aku coba nyalakan hp yang membikin pusing salah satu teman dan juga pelangganku itu, ternyata setelah aku melakukan tindakan flashing dengan cara diatas akhirnya masalah terselesaikan juga.

Salam AyuNabila Team

Pelanggan : Fendik
Biaya : Rp. 35.000

1 Responses to W300 CID 49 Mic, Speaker dan Buzzer Tidak Berfungsi

  1. Kha Says:
  2. mas hp w300 saya pleas wait saat dinyalakan..dan saya bawa k tukang servis dia bilang hrus di flash,,tp setelah di flash hp saya jadi mati dan tak mau hidup,,dy bilang hrus ganti ic flash,dan harganya sangat mahal,,bisa bantu ga??bisa ga klo ga ganti ic flashnya,,ap bsa sony eriksoon diganti ic flashnya,,?tolong kabari saya di 02197600605


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